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  • lol I guess I jumped the gun. But as I said one of the members has a brother in the coast guard and the lead singer also plays the accordion.
    That would be awesome man thanks. I got to meet all of them really awesome guys really pro military and one of them has a brother in the coast guard. One of the hooked me up with some free stuff. Really awesome if you need help with info I can some research and send it to you.
    Your right, your blogs may not change anyones life but it may open a mind that may have been previously closed. Either way, I have always enjoyed listening to something new and to especially have some background of who is in it or from where they originated. I actually was raised on country and have experienced a plethora of genres throughout my life. I worked in a record store back in the early 80's which brought alot of diversity amd then had worked security at a arena where I started to meet so many people. I met 1 person who opened the door to the industry and I cant tell you the amount of joy it has been since. Ive seen and been apart of too many shows to recount but I always look forward to the next. Enjoy the music and rage!
    Peace, bud!
    Hey buddy! Ive been roaming the forums and have come along your blogs of Metal and Id like to thank you for educating the Masses with your Blogs as of what Metal is truely all about and the background of the bands too. My wife does the same thing on Facebook (I have no time for that). I look forward to more of your knowledge and posts! Quite informitive! Ive grown up in the San Francisco Thrash scene since the early 80's and music rules my life! Thanks again, my man! \m/
    Been looking around the forums, saw Vicious up there with the new recruits, awesome! Anything else I should be doing?
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