X X XGC BAD HABIT Nov 18, 2012 Hey Duke dropped by your page to drop of the General's test and figured I would say hello.
X X XGC LiquidSnake Oct 29, 2012 hey duke could you help me i made a maze in minecraft for halloween and i am tryin to spread the word for anyone intrested
hey duke could you help me i made a maze in minecraft for halloween and i am tryin to spread the word for anyone intrested
T T THEE ANSW3R Oct 1, 2012 hey duke i am xiled gaming old halo 2 general i created xgc carnage aswell do u guys play league of legends
hey duke i am xiled gaming old halo 2 general i created xgc carnage aswell do u guys play league of legends
XGC JO3 D33R XC Sep 2, 2012 my preffrence would be for our members to have a username that matches there gt, how many accounts do you have is it just the 2?
my preffrence would be for our members to have a username that matches there gt, how many accounts do you have is it just the 2?