C C Crash2k9 Apr 9, 2016 Hey i'm looking to join a S6 clan if you could shoot me a message that would be great thanks and have a great day!
Hey i'm looking to join a S6 clan if you could shoot me a message that would be great thanks and have a great day!
XGC HONOS Apr 8, 2016 So you're going to stop by my profile and not leave a comment? you use to be much more talkative.
O O OGB Apr 7, 2016 How am i not a member...i am on the clan roster under the SYN Coalition community. For some reason the banner under my name was just removed.
How am i not a member...i am on the clan roster under the SYN Coalition community. For some reason the banner under my name was just removed.
X X XGC xMORROWx Apr 4, 2016 Was on youtube seen this had to post it but idk doesnt sound right with out SYN EMINENCE XD back up singer lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4ujS1er1r0
Was on youtube seen this had to post it but idk doesnt sound right with out SYN EMINENCE XD back up singer lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4ujS1er1r0
S S Syn WrathShadow Mar 30, 2016 For some reason I can't figure out how to type my clan and general. It's syb wrath 7 promoted by syn sinon
For some reason I can't figure out how to type my clan and general. It's syb wrath 7 promoted by syn sinon