Just need to learn to like it lol
And I have played golf once on there, and got bored after 2 holes... Same with tennis. lol I don't mind robbing conveince stores though. And I think I'm only a level 40 on there lol
You play golf on GTA? How utterly boring is that??? Lol and I play core, only because on hardcore, the bullet could hit a piece of dirt by your foot, and you die lol I mostly play core search.
Not much to do after you beat the game, but side missions are only fun for so long lol you can add me if ya want. I guess I could show you what a real car looks like ok GTA, or how to use a gun on Ghost..
Lol yea I only have watchdogs (I've beat), and titanfall (is only fun for so long). Lol so my one collects dust as well. As for 360, I only have ghost and bo2, along with GTA, and zombie games lol