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  • I have an idea that I believe would improve XG as a whole, increase activity and relations between XG members. The idea is as follows.

    Say my Capt or Lt recruit a new member to our clan. Much as a Army recruiter would get you to enlist. When that is done you are off to be trained. The new recruit or recruits are told to see myself. My role would be to train this group. I would go over the honor code and other rules of XG. Have them sign up on xiledgaming.com and clan compete should they like to compete against other clans.

    Overall I think it is a good idea that would help XG grow and eventually attract more members to XG. If there are any question feel free to hit me up on XBL. My gamertag is XGC DELTA F0RCE. The 0 there is the number zero not the letter O.
    well i guess i could thank you for reminding me to update my playlist. So there are some new songs on there but every song i like is awesome.
    He wants to transfer to the same SYN clan as his 2 brothers, they are both under 18 and he plays with them more than he plays with us, also they are online early in the afternoon where as most of us get online after 8pm eastern.
    Hey i have one of my guys from way back when, that wants to transfer to SYN, I told him its okay with me, and since i dont have an XS i covered that part as well, I just need a XD permission and an SYN XD's permission as well. So if its cool with you, ill talk with King and get this taken care of. Its XGC MECRY that wants the transfer.
    So whats goin on there bud? Hows the business goin? Havent spoken to you in quite some time eh? Thought Id stop in and say hi. I see your an Admin now?
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