XGC Independant Oct 16, 2010 Dropping by to say hey. Hey. You haven't been on the XK page in a while.
XGC MONKEY Oct 16, 2010 Good Morning sir how you get that play list up on your page in top right side
Jupiter Oct 8, 2010 i put your name as the person i got it from for now until u can tell me where ur speech was linked from cuz the person its under isnt in a clan lol and lemme know what else i need to put in there and i will edit it no problem
i put your name as the person i got it from for now until u can tell me where ur speech was linked from cuz the person its under isnt in a clan lol and lemme know what else i need to put in there and i will edit it no problem
XGC SoBER XS Oct 8, 2010 Wow.. so yeah.. maybe that applies to Freaker but I have gone every year since I was like 12... So I'm pretty sure I'm an accepted individual.. lol
Wow.. so yeah.. maybe that applies to Freaker but I have gone every year since I was like 12... So I'm pretty sure I'm an accepted individual.. lol
XGC SoBER XS Oct 8, 2010 Hey Sentinel! Thought I'd drop by and say hi.. and tell you that the first song on your list is Sober... lol
Hey Sentinel! Thought I'd drop by and say hi.. and tell you that the first song on your list is Sober... lol
U U USA CPLBardwell Oct 6, 2010 hey man this USA CPLBardwell i think that i join your clan i think that is what Death Star said i think but hit me up
hey man this USA CPLBardwell i think that i join your clan i think that is what Death Star said i think but hit me up