XGC BUCS XD Dec 22, 2015 lol...well if they are televised down here! besides tampa isn't much of a team this year lol....well i hope you have a safe trip!!
lol...well if they are televised down here! besides tampa isn't much of a team this year lol....well i hope you have a safe trip!!
K K KoG LostBlonde Dec 17, 2015 Lol I was laying in bed and he wouldn't turn the damn light off so I was cruising the site..and yes partially cause he hid the liquor
Lol I was laying in bed and he wouldn't turn the damn light off so I was cruising the site..and yes partially cause he hid the liquor
X X XGC WickedWifey Dec 17, 2015 I'm good and you? We need another girl game night. I had so much fun with y'all last time!
XGC TAURUS XD Dec 14, 2015 Hey thanks for coming to the game night I really appreciate it especially for you hosting 2 games haha we got to do it again some time
Hey thanks for coming to the game night I really appreciate it especially for you hosting 2 games haha we got to do it again some time
L L Leif The Sly Dec 13, 2015 Haha I told you to be ready for a feels trip!! It was such a good movie though.
XGC SInIST3R Dec 11, 2015 Hi how's it going? Just wondering what games your playing? I have ordered all the new ones and will hopefully be on playing them this weekend! So we should game
Hi how's it going? Just wondering what games your playing? I have ordered all the new ones and will hopefully be on playing them this weekend! So we should game
X X XGC BoBbLe Dec 10, 2015 Hey I heard you have a captains training thing tonight is it too late to join it?