XGC Hildebrand Oct 10, 2015 My section leader for my precious home at Ascension. Thank you for 'Tantalizing' my clan. You're awesome and so much fun gaming with ya. Dropping by to say hello.
My section leader for my precious home at Ascension. Thank you for 'Tantalizing' my clan. You're awesome and so much fun gaming with ya. Dropping by to say hello.
I I ixdenialxi Sep 22, 2015 Hey when you get the chance hmu on the xbox1 wanna talk about my event lol ��
X X XGC BIGmeany XS Sep 15, 2015 Thank you, I have had it for 2 weeks and still no one has taught me to use it.
KoG RUSTY XD Sep 13, 2015 Yes, I'm okay. I should be on the box later today. I'm just on a lot of meds right now.
X X XGC Cheshire Sep 12, 2015 No prob and it's done. And Yes, we will def Game. Thank You and it's a pleasure to be here.
R R RI0TACT915 Sep 11, 2015 Awesome hit me up sometime and we can game. I am officially on the ONE now.