XGC Tantaliz XC

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  • Navy beat Army! Was he a Chief?
    Yeah, I've never been. Only places I lived were Sitka, Alaska and Texas.
    Neither had sandy beaches. You can see why lol.
    - DELTA
    Man, just embracing the creep right now huh!
    Lol, Just kidding. That's awesome! What branch was he?
    I hear that Tampa is pretty friggan sweet.
    - DELTA
    Ah man now I need to watch what I post! Lol.
    Yeah I'm from Texas but stationed at Ft. Meade.
    How long were you there before you left?
    - DELTA
    Not from just been stationed here for 3 years.
    Finally getting transferred! Heading to Korea for a year then it's off to Santa Barbara, Miami, Tampa or Hawaii.
    - DELTA
    I didn't think so! Lol. It's all gravy though, shoot, you are making that bank eh?
    The BAH in Maryland is amazing but the people make it want you to give it back so you don't have to live here!
    Yeah, sadly there is no such thing as OT here.. You work 24/7 if you have too.
    3 More years and it's off to the civi world!
    - DELTA
    Hahaha yes you! Oh... that's a bummer! What do you do?
    Yeah but I work 12 hour shifts! 5pm to 5am!
    And my days off are spent training or at the squadron doing paperwork.
    So it's somewhat like being "off".
    - DELTA
    Great! Did some things on my checklist for my move, hit up Dave and Busters and shut it down on Titanfall.
    I'm at work right now! Thank God it's only a 3 day on and 4 days off.
    So you off the next few days?
    - DELTA
    It was an honor to be on the team :) Had a lot of fun :) We should do it again sometime. Thank you for setting it up.
    i really enjoyed playing with the generals. it was so nice to see you all come together. hopefully we can do it again soon. thank you for a great evening of fun.
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