K K KoG ETHANOL Jan 22, 2014 Hey Tanalizing , just wanted to say thanks for gaming with me today, it was pretty fun. We will have to do it again real soon.
Hey Tanalizing , just wanted to say thanks for gaming with me today, it was pretty fun. We will have to do it again real soon.
XGC Sin Vu Jan 21, 2014 I think the same could be said of you. What, still celebrating the Seahawks victory?
X X XGC Dashiznit24 Jan 18, 2014 hey so XGC ghOstHavoc is listed under both Squads for Judgment and Dark Souls. I thought you would want to know so that could be updated that he is on Dark Souls now. Just Trying to help out
hey so XGC ghOstHavoc is listed under both Squads for Judgment and Dark Souls. I thought you would want to know so that could be updated that he is on Dark Souls now. Just Trying to help out
X X XGC SimpleMan Jan 14, 2014 So when we going to have this VIP game night? I have Mondays and Tuesdays off, let me know when and we will make it happen!
So when we going to have this VIP game night? I have Mondays and Tuesdays off, let me know when and we will make it happen!
K K KoG ETHANOL Jan 11, 2014 True.. I was a little unprepared for that match. So I'm going to agree with you, you dominated me. =]
True.. I was a little unprepared for that match. So I'm going to agree with you, you dominated me. =]
S S SYN MzGoddess Jan 9, 2014 Hey Tantalizing:] I had so much fun playing with y'all the other day:] I hope to get an invite like every time now lol.
Hey Tantalizing:] I had so much fun playing with y'all the other day:] I hope to get an invite like every time now lol.
X X XGC Dashiznit24 Jan 7, 2014 Hey so how do you put a picture next to your name? lol i am guessing it cant just be uploaded but has to be approved, let me know, thanks!
Hey so how do you put a picture next to your name? lol i am guessing it cant just be uploaded but has to be approved, let me know, thanks!