X X XGC Rukia Mar 11, 2012 Hey TommyGun!!! Thanks so much for the sig!!!! I love it!!! Also no worries I know life just sometimes happens!!!
Hey TommyGun!!! Thanks so much for the sig!!!! I love it!!! Also no worries I know life just sometimes happens!!!
Jupiter Mar 8, 2012 http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/406/kb406122.html http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/application-failed-to-start-because-its-side-by/c675553c-ae6b-e011-8dfc-68b599b31bf5 try those, maybe theyll help.
http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/406/kb406122.html http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/application-failed-to-start-because-its-side-by/c675553c-ae6b-e011-8dfc-68b599b31bf5 try those, maybe theyll help.
Jupiter Mar 8, 2012 I know I keep asking you to do stuff lmao but did you ever check into the whole xgc tango thing for me?
I know I keep asking you to do stuff lmao but did you ever check into the whole xgc tango thing for me?
Jupiter Mar 6, 2012 o.o ok what anti virus do you use and what exactly do the arrows look like? also, what are you running as far as windows.. etc?
o.o ok what anti virus do you use and what exactly do the arrows look like? also, what are you running as far as windows.. etc?
SYN Snol3unnie Mar 4, 2012 i havent been working on any new sigs since im studying for midterms so im just dropping by to say hi... HIIIIII!!!!!!!!!
i havent been working on any new sigs since im studying for midterms so im just dropping by to say hi... HIIIIII!!!!!!!!!
Jupiter Mar 4, 2012 thanks ^.^ Did you ever get a chance to look over that recruiting speech i sent you?