F F FaceUp Jul 17, 2011 Turbo, can you edit your Clan List and put "Xx3XECUT10N3RxX" as a Captain. Thanks.
K K KoG Sharkoman Jul 12, 2011 i need to talk to you i got ILT RizaHawkeye that wants join back he says that he knows fathom and faceup he used to be an ex-general
i need to talk to you i got ILT RizaHawkeye that wants join back he says that he knows fathom and faceup he used to be an ex-general
T T TidalBuddhaFrog Jul 5, 2011 I'm just giving you an apology in advance if your new member causes any trouble or drama for your people or inconveniences you in any way.
I'm just giving you an apology in advance if your new member causes any trouble or drama for your people or inconveniences you in any way.
X X XGC Veteran May 28, 2011 hey whats going on? I'm XGC Veteran I'm a captain over here in XGC 82nd Airborne.. Trying to meet more XG Members.. How long you been in XG for?
hey whats going on? I'm XGC Veteran I'm a captain over here in XGC 82nd Airborne.. Trying to meet more XG Members.. How long you been in XG for?
K K KoG iTz Righty May 27, 2011 ight man ill start getting them in parties telling them they NEED to sign up immediately
KoG Enforcer XD May 4, 2011 I'm getting off for now and heading home will get back on in about 30 minutes.
F F FaceUp Apr 19, 2011 Turbo, before I can accept "KoG for4ks" into the Captains - KoG Usergroup, he must first be updated on your Clan List to show him as a Captain.
Turbo, before I can accept "KoG for4ks" into the Captains - KoG Usergroup, he must first be updated on your Clan List to show him as a Captain.
K K KoG for4ks Apr 18, 2011 I'll be on most of the day from just after this is posted until about 11:20 est.