XGC AvidTigress Mar 16, 2009 hey how ya been? haven't seen ya on in a bit, or maybe i'm just missin you
SYN Ashley Feb 24, 2009 i could be better. you are one of the few people i miss hanging out with on sundays
XGC ZUES XS Feb 20, 2009 oh things are great, were gettin ready for a big tournement this weekend. lol. hope ya feel better, ill fedex ya some soup, lol
oh things are great, were gettin ready for a big tournement this weekend. lol. hope ya feel better, ill fedex ya some soup, lol
XGC SL4YER Feb 18, 2009 Twwwwwww-iiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt-EEEEEEEEEEEEE What up, where you be at, we neep play some dubs
S S S3NOR1TA Feb 17, 2009 AWW honey i just say you're still using my sig i made you!!! but it's just Senorita now...no XGC
S S S3NOR1TA Feb 16, 2009 aww you missed me? i'm good...just desinging as usual. looking to get us girls some new shirts...since the ones we have are less than appealing
aww you missed me? i'm good...just desinging as usual. looking to get us girls some new shirts...since the ones we have are less than appealing