Thanks again for your help the other night. Sometimes I don't have all the answers to a situation and it's awesome to be able to call on the experience of someone who has been there and done that.
hey wreck not to sure how to send a msg lol so ill just write on your wall, hey im in need of placement, id like to join ascension with crackshots if possible! let me know brotha
Sup Wrecky Wreck, hope all is good brother. They keeping ya pretty busy I see. If ya ever find yourself on 360 doin a throwback, hop on BO2 n run with me for a bit. Don't think I've played with ya since we were both on the X-Team. Maybe longer. Speaking of, Is there Still an X-Team?
Is there any possibility that you could tell me why I was denied. I am curious to know what I need to do to become a better more loyal person to you guys
Thanks for posting on my blog. I don't typically expect them to get read very often, but It's really encouraging that people would care enough to respond. I joined XG to have people to play COD with. I never imagined how much I would care and enjoy the community.