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  • There's nothing I can say to make you butthurt? Judging by your diatribe that is blatantly untrue. I like how you spent an entire paragraph telling me that you don't care. You seem to care a lot about informing me about how much you don't care. I'm definitely convinced. Also, sweet attempt at an insult bro, next time why don't you come up with some original material and not steal from Chappelle's Show.
    Let me know!! And if it's Black Ops should I get it for the Xbox or the PS3? I am itching to get back on and catch up with you old friend!
    How are you liking Lag Ops 2? My first game game I jumped into last night was extreamly laggy and several more throughout the night. I discovered that if you search for "Best" connection, that there is less lag. Lol
    oh sorry man, I never saw this message and it has been about 3 months. I was in XGC Splat back in 2007 and I had undiagnosed bipolar disorder. The reason why that is important I will explain. But anyways, I felt that I was being unfairly treated and I got mad and told XGC Mega to **** off. I messaged him about a week later apologizing and I voluntarily left the clan because I didn't want to have to deal with defending my behavior, so I just left. But that was 5 years ago and I take meds for my bipolar. People with bipolar disorder get upset at little things they shouldn't get upset about. Like in Halo 2 when they would go into a game without me, I would get upset. But I have been in XGC Distortion for about 2 months now and I have a good time with everyone and I am more mature than I was. The general I believe was a woman but I forgot her name and tag and she probably wouldn't remember me anyways.
    Doing better had surgery on Wednesday again but Dr said that everything should be good =)
    Hey 007 hows it going? Hope you had a good weekend and are enjoying Halo 4 as much as I am =) Hit me up on the box and maybe we can play some rounds on Halo 4, I am home for 2-3 more weeks so plenty of time lol
    I talk to you more then enoughf on the Box, but if you need me to stop by your page to see your pic, well here you go...lol
    Nah it was an idea that caused many of the people that left to leave, not necessarily just the people. No threats have been made against Xiled Gaming that I am aware of. I'm a part of one of your ideas? Care to feel me in because you have officially lost me in this conversation.
    I agree, I hate people who make threats. I've always been partial to the quote "great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Thanks for the b-day wishes!
    I thought it was a conspiracy on a certain website not xbox in general. I get them on the xbox too if that makes you feel better.
    I'm not sure ask Rave, Sakura, or Fallout. I would say to ask Black Ops, Drtygrl, or Fogy but I think they are all banned. How's the design team?
    Hey whats up i was wondering if you can talk
    To the council to approve me to transfer to XGC
    Coldfire let me know if u can thank you
    It was great, I've missed XGC in my absence. I'll be sure to play a few matches with you guys over the weekend.
    Yeah its been awhile. I just recently got back from the wilderness and am on a rather poor internet connection now so I do what I can.
    Thanks for the bday wishes... I am getting up there in years! So Halo 4 or Black Ops 2? I need to know which one to get so we can play together!!
    All I gathered from your incoherent diatribe is that you seem upset.

    "Nothing is sadder then you coming back here looking for something but realizing all you have is your pet gerbil and a comic book collection."

    What does that even mean? I came looking to make you butt hurt and succeeded spectacularly, not that it was really that hard.
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