Hey we added 5 recruits to Xiled kings today, they are : CMNshtr, mossthebest18, AT14U2NV, Simply Noir and g0rg30usMom. You should find these individuals already on the website inside the Clan.
Hey man i seen where your the XS over SYN Devestation the PS3 clan, i have a guy from Gaijin that im going to move over there unless you have an issue with that?
been gone working all summer. This week I will put in 54 hours so yeah been busy, but I will be back in 3 weeks and hopfully back to helping zeus on the box. So what about u man?
yea I noticed that too lol.. Well ****, Ill be on tonight for a while, tomorrow night, then most of the day sunday... Im sure we'll be on at the same time, at some point this weekend lol