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  • ZOMG! I didn't know Community Leader visitor message boards we're so fun! Bookmark'd.

    I haven't had this much fun since forever!
    and another thing is how can u be so sure if i havent changed u dont even give me a second opportunity to prove myself thats all im asking im not even asking for the two warnings while im here thats how sure i akm that i changed
    Hylander just please dont ban me how many times do u want me to say YES I DID EVERYTHING IN MY PAST IT WAS AN ACCIDENT OK EVERYONE MAKES ACCIDENTS EVEN THE ALLMIGHTY HYLANDER
    everything ive said hylander since i made this account on here has been true everything eles was just out of anger and hatred about whar was happening here and in my real life
    It's all about denial. Everything other thing you say is " I didn't do it or It wasn't my fault and so on. Take ownership of your mistakes and move on from there.

    By the way, I have not yet insulted you although it would be my right to do so if I wanted to after the things you have done. No more posts. Go offline and get yourself life together.
    what are u talking about Hylander? your just kinda insulting me kinda saying im an AA member im not im only 16 and i havent really had time to ever smoke do drugs or drink ever
    thats what i did when i first made it but now i feal like crap :[
    Gambit, if you actually told the truth once it would be something. Look in the mirror and do as a good AA member does, admit the problem is you and move on. If you want this to go away, you do it.
    noone really likes me anymore i really messed up
    welll TFLEM i made a tag awhile back called Hylanderswife for poptart and i didnt notice i was just screwing myself over i did and i realize i messed up and after i did it i was like damn i shouldnt of did it and Hylander once again im sorry about the tag and if any messages or anything was done with that tag it wasnt in my hands after i made it
    and i really just defended myself cuz he came in her talking trash about me not tflem the other dude arctic
    i know i made that name lol but i did it in anger and i really didnt do anything with it i just felt bad after i did
    Well that sucks for Cuban then. LOL!! Guess he had better learn how to shut up and stop insulting people. Recommend, log off the internet and go read a book.
    no please Hylander this is what i was trying to avoid but i never am able to get away from people like this i am not arguing im just fed up of it im sorry
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