I'm doing very well thank you I try my best to stay outta trouble, but you know.......lol. How is Zues doing these days? I hope all is well It is good to hear from you!
just watched the video,its good. We can get on with The Spartan flt video. My internets working again, turns out my connection was TO GOOD and thats why i would keep disconnecting. I think we should go down to 5 members in spartan flight
I wish bro. America Fest. They're allowing local nationals on the base. And tomorrow is an Air Show. But I have Sunday off Bravo and Delta taking over that day for us cos we would have had to work 7 days lol
zues I am pookill I would like a chance to be recruited to learn even better techniques for fighting
in the sky. lady kano was awesome. so is kano. thank you .
lots of drama going on with revelationxpoke! he's a F***** WHOLE ***. i asked him y is he still talking **** ? so he started 2 say some racial ****!! we or i need 2 settle this bull **** with revelation'cause i refuse 2 hold my tongue, not that type of brother! FEEL ME MY DUDE!