SYN SpiritWolf Jul 17, 2016 Yeah I know man I screwed up on this one I will do what I can to correct it though
B B BTWF Fuzzybut Jul 14, 2016 How are you doing brother? Long time no talk. Coming back or you moving on?
SYN SpiritWolf Jul 6, 2016 Miss you Formal hopefully one day you will come back and we can game together again
KoG Drifdar Jun 29, 2016 Not a problem. I do hope that all is going well with you. i hope that you can one day get back on, and that we can play some again.
Not a problem. I do hope that all is going well with you. i hope that you can one day get back on, and that we can play some again.
SYN Zachman XD Jun 24, 2016 Pay attention Formal. Your killing this conversation by not responding lol
S S SYN MzGoddess Jun 10, 2016 Thanks'll always be Goku to me though lol. I miss you tons!