New member
UPS delivered my shipping box and label when it was raining and the box turned to mush. I just got off the phone with XBOX and they're sending me another one.


New member
I just called microsoft and chewed them a new one on how my email with my shipping label wasnt here yet....they said they are now sending me a prepaid box and a shipping label and it will be at my house in 4 to 5 days....ive never heard anyone apologise so much before lol


New member
i Bought my Xbox at Costco. they have a great return Policy. all you have to do when you buy it is make sure you keep every thing is comes with and you reciept. I bought mine sept 22 2007. i started getting screen frezzing on Sept 5 2008 i brought everthing in the bundel back and they refunded all of my money. I walked to the back of the store and picked up a brand new one for $50 bucks less.

i think you have up to three years to return it.


New member
Did you know that microsofts released failure rate for the xbox 360s were only 17 percent...but retails were putting out a failure rate of over 30 percent....I thought i should put that bit of info out here


New member

Simliar bad luck

I had the same deal last week.Currently waiting to send mine in.Already contacted XBOX,awaiting label to ship....:(

KoG Suislid3

New member
I've had my 360 for about 1 year 1/2 I got the red rings one time turned it off right away waited a day than turned it on a basically cleaned the system of anything unused exp. demos and unplayed games saved to hard drive as well as deleteting all the updates ever since I havent get RRoD and Im very happy I just keep the maintenace up on it and it keeps performing well.


New member
I just recieved an email saying that mine was coming back home....hopefully i got one with the new falcon chip....i gonna be so mad if this one rrod


New member
Don't feel to bad am on my 5th xbox 360. I know right seems like alot it seems that i have had all the common errors with each one of my systems. 3 red lights system error messages oh yeah don't forget the frozen screen haha. I have done everything in my power not to overheat and everything but I think if the sytem is going to lock up there is no chance in trying to rescue it. I even bought the intercooler and i still got the 3 red lights pray for this one not to have any problems:confused::mad:


New member
i just think its stupid we pay good money for these things and they dont want to time mine breaks it will be another 150 unless i buy another warrenty

A War Machine01

New member
Mine broke because when i was putting in Gears of War, my 5 year old brother came in and stepped on the disc tray. I got an elite but I had to pay $40 for abuse charges

SYN Gucci Mane

New member
lol you guys are funny because if you treat your 360 right it wont break or get the red light if it gets red light do the towel trick because it actually works


New member
I know what you mean I baby my 360s and I'm on 360 #4 extended PRP warranty on all of them so they were all new systems. They seem to alittle better with each one

Ch35tEr T35tEr

New member
lol you guys are funny because if you treat your 360 right it wont break or get the red light if it gets red light do the towel trick because it actually works

This is true the Towel Trick does work. I got the RROD 4 days ago so i took everything out/off of my xbox. I plugged the power cord in and rapped my 360 up in some blankets and left it on for about 30 min. Then i waited 5 min and turned it back on and no more issues since. I think the heat resets something, but this does work. Pass on the word!