Gam3 fr33k 117

New member
Are they keeping the auto-Aim? in halo 2...or will it take alot of skill like halo 1 aiming...i hope they keep halo 2's decent auto aim for us less as gifted aimers :p


New member
mhmm im just saying that i think that it could make you better at learning how to accurately aim crosshairs on someone without having to use the auto-aim.


New member
Not only that, but auto-aim centers near the chest. I used auto-aim in H2 when I first started. I took it off after a little bit, once I had learned the controls. I recently created a new profile on my xbox and it was set to auto-aim. Not helpful. In order to be an effective player - you need to make those headshotz!

Anyways - I'm sure that auto-centering will be available. It wouldn't really serve a purpose for them to remove that feature.


New member
I didn't even know you could take it off... I've never seen the option anywhere. And, i've never had trouble with auto-aim centering on the chest.

Gam3 fr33k 117

New member
I've just got the answer, the only thing changing with aiming is the magnetism, so it wont slow down (as much )when the reticle crosses over the enemy's body.

XGC Dos Monkey

New member
acually auto aim allows you be inacuuarte with your headshots aswell. Say for instance you were playing S.W.A.T. and you aimed just over the shoulder of the person with a battle rifle. it would still count as a head shot die to the "Damage box" placed around the players head. the same thing goes for snipers. A trick i learned early on in halo was "swipe sniping", you look quickly from one side to the other and pull the trigger, at close to medium range this will get you an automatic headshot for some stange reason.

XGC Dos Monkey

New member
and like others have said there is no auto aim in halo 1 one. making a headshot even medium range(even when the target is still), is still somewhat difficult


New member
That's all autoaim is, That's what you get when you see your reticule turn red. If there's a dot in the middle of it it's a headshot, they can still miss from farther away cuz of Cone-of-fire, and lag but that's the idea anyway.

XGC Maggnus

New member
The auto aim wasn't just to make shooting a little easier, but it was designed to make up for the lag and latency from playing over xbox live increasing the margin of error.


New member
If you know how to corner crouch replicate or how to replicate hogs you can see what auto-aim does... or send me an FR and i'll show you. I'm stuck on halo 2 for a while cuz my 360 broke... i have to send it back to texas for the third time.


New member
The auto aim wasn't just to make shooting a little easier, but it was designed to make up for the lag and latency from playing over xbox live increasing the margin of error.

He nailed it there. when you get that red dot it doesnt send the shot across the net as a shot. it sends it as a hit, so nomatta how the latency is its a hit, they cant duck the shot or anything. Now Extreme lag will void this theory, because the player may not even be in the same room as that hit by the time it gets there. That is why "swipe sniping" works. U got that red dot during the fire animation timer and its sent across as a HIT not a Shot. Theres my nickel whos got a quarter?


New member
It sends it as a headshot to player x's head, if there is a wall in between them it still shoots at his head and hits the wall, FR me and we'll hog replicate with someone in the passenger seat, shoot'em in the head and it will shoot in the direction of wherever you replicated the hog from... same with rocket locks, but that has very little to do with auto-aim (although i think you do get auto-aim with rockets if it's red... anyone wanna shoot a rocket backwards?)

XGC Dos Monkey

New member
acording to what ive read on the net so far they are not only keeping but enhancing auto aim on several weapons except a battle rifle and sniper rifle