at 1st i though thay yea the BR in H3 is a lot weaker than in H2 but like everyone says and even bungie says, they made a lot of balancing mods to the weapos so no one can really quad shoot with the carbine now but its still a sickly powerful weapon. The BR shoots a little bit slower, but head shots can give you some really satifying results and its a lot less accurate from far away. Because people used to be able to use the BR almost like a sniper rifle but now you cant do that, and the bullets spread out. so yea it takes a litle getting used to the new Balances but its all for the better...but i did notice that its a lot easier to die in H3 i dunno why because i had a lot longer survival rate in H2. so i dunno if the health percentage changed or its just me? (prolly just me)