My solution to clan wars attacking problems
This is basically the same thing I posted in the chat:
I understand where both sides are coming from when making clan wars attacks. When the higher level players attack our opponents lower lvl players it basically garuntee a a 3star, but then the lower lvl players have nobody to attack. My suggestion is as follows:
During clan wars don't attack anyone more then 5 ranks above you on their side, or 5 ranks lower in the same sense, assuming they have not already been attacked and stared. Also if you are making an attack do not attack someone thr has already been stared unless there are no other attacks to make. Also you may only attack someone less then 5 ranks below you if everyone between your rank and the 5 below you is already stared, or you failed your first attack. In either of these cases attack the closest person that hasn't been stated.
If you are in the top 5 or bottom 5 ranks in the war, then you can extend the number to 10 minus the amount of ppl higher or Lowe then you. So if you're rank 3, then attack either their rank 1 or 2, or their 3-10 if you're rank 47, thèn either their 48-49 or 40-47. This way everyone has 10 potential attack targets.
The part about not attacking higher is so lower level players don't make an attack they can't win at all.
Example: if my rank on our side or clan wars is 10, I can't attack anyone higher then rank 5 in there side, it lower then rank 15. If everyone between ranks 10 and 15 on there side is already starred then I can attack one more person down assuming they are not already statrred.
Also if someone you want to attack is 1 starred, make a different attack withing your range to maximze the number of stars earned. If everyone else in your range is already statted then attack the ones with the lowest star count.
You probably shouldn't attack anyone with a town hall
More then one lvl higher or lower either.
Tell me what you guys think of my suggestion and if you agree it not. If you disagree please say what tou disagree with spacifically, not just that you disagree. Thanks.