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let's talk Team Strategy

In an Ideal world, the lowest should attack there lowest first and if all goes well there 2nd lowest 2nd. Then the #49 on our team would attack the next enemy with Stars avaliable. And so on until the top guys have the ability to attack there lowest guys still with Stars to be had, this should maximize our Stars, and hopefully get us the W's


Yeah you see we are all Gamers on the go, we are aka Mobile, if you will. It's pretty deep stuff I'm not sure I'm explaining it right

KoG Kisses

New member
I think everyone needs to be able to fight who they can be pared up against. When I got on I got no stars in this clan wars because our higher up people attacked lower ranking people, and I am still a low ranked. I would have been able to get a three star against someone that is low ranked then someone that is way higher then me. Now I am frustrated because I have done really good in all the clan wars except the last two because I did not participate in the last one because of personal issues and when I do this one I can't even attack someone of my skill level. On top of it, someone is donating troops not asked for because I keep getting very low level troops.

XGC Pottz XD

New member

My solution to clan wars attacking problems

This is basically the same thing I posted in the chat:

I understand where both sides are coming from when making clan wars attacks. When the higher level players attack our opponents lower lvl players it basically garuntee a a 3star, but then the lower lvl players have nobody to attack. My suggestion is as follows:
During clan wars don't attack anyone more then 5 ranks above you on their side, or 5 ranks lower in the same sense, assuming they have not already been attacked and stared. Also if you are making an attack do not attack someone thr has already been stared unless there are no other attacks to make. Also you may only attack someone less then 5 ranks below you if everyone between your rank and the 5 below you is already stared, or you failed your first attack. In either of these cases attack the closest person that hasn't been stated.

If you are in the top 5 or bottom 5 ranks in the war, then you can extend the number to 10 minus the amount of ppl higher or Lowe then you. So if you're rank 3, then attack either their rank 1 or 2, or their 3-10 if you're rank 47, thèn either their 48-49 or 40-47. This way everyone has 10 potential attack targets.
The part about not attacking higher is so lower level players don't make an attack they can't win at all.

Example: if my rank on our side or clan wars is 10, I can't attack anyone higher then rank 5 in there side, it lower then rank 15. If everyone between ranks 10 and 15 on there side is already starred then I can attack one more person down assuming they are not already statrred.

Also if someone you want to attack is 1 starred, make a different attack withing your range to maximze the number of stars earned. If everyone else in your range is already statted then attack the ones with the lowest star count.

You probably shouldn't attack anyone with a town hall
More then one lvl higher or lower either.
Tell me what you guys think of my suggestion and if you agree it not. If you disagree please say what tou disagree with spacifically, not just that you disagree. Thanks.
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New member
Another way to do it is they shouldn't being attacking anyone lower than 3 lvls below their own, and you might want to think about doing one attack at the beginning and saving your last attack till the last few minutes in the clan war...and the high lvl members can save their attacks period till the end of the war, which is another strategy....I use both of these strategies when I am at war and they work pretty good for me and the guys that I play with


New member
The thing about it is some people rush to build up their town hall and forgets everything else like upgrading their troops/defenses/resources. This in turn actually raises you levels and in turn puts you in an area where everyone in your level has more superior defenses than you and make it very difficult to attack those guys. Like me for example...I'm trying to catch back up to my town hall which is not a good idea

XGC Pottz XD

New member
There's no reason to upgrade your town hall past 8 until you've upgraded almost everything you can on your lvl 8 defense wise. The one perk to a lvl 9 town hall is the archer queen and the second DE drill. But there's no reason to upgrade past that until your troops and defenses are high. Also people have to remember that outside wars you get more reasorces for beating a villege in a raid that has a town hall higher then yours, and you get less for getting one lower.

I had the same problem because I upgraded my town hall to 9 to get the archer queen and the drill because I don't buy gems like a lot of people do so I needed the drill for DE consumption. My problem is I get raided a lot because I have 25k DE saved for the archer queen and I lose 1k or so ever time I get 2-3 stared... Also I don't have lvl 6 troops (because saving 6-7.5 mil is a pain) so attacking Other ppl my lvl for farming is hard.

On a side note, I always make both my attacks with 4hrs or less left in the war and I agree that higher lvls like our top 15 should wait on our second attack, if not both, until the last 6 or so hours if war so the lower lvls can make better attacks.

XGC Pottz XD

New member

A helpful app for clash

There are several game guide apps on iOS that you can download for clash of clans. I'm sure there are some on android too, but I have an iPhone so I'll stick to that. I use the app 'house of clashers'. It has all the stats for all buildings, troops, hero's, etc...
Imprint things to, like morters damage per shot by lvl, not just dps, cuz they only attack ever 3secs or so. Also Connors attack every 0.8 seconds. Also things like how many wallbreakers at "x" lvl it takes to destroy walls at "x" lvl. Useful stuff like that.

I recommend downloading this, or any other similar guide to prioritize upgrades and such.

Also it's free, as most are, but in app you can buy a stratagy guide. I didn't, because I like to make my own strategies, but it is an option. The app itself with all the stats is free and that's what I like.


New member
My curiosity extends to what KoG Ghillie was asking, I just started playing CoC and figured I'd see if there was an XG clan on there before joining another. DevilSatan6 is my CoC tag, someone send me an invite.

XGC Pottz XD

New member
The clan is maxed out at 50 almost constantly, my advice is check periodically if you want to join, the clan name is:
Xiled Gaming
Exactly as I wrote it there.


New member
There is XGC for CoC which tends to be maxed out but there is also Xiled on CoC which isnt maxed out and it has XGC members in it such as Ezio and Challenger...I am currently in Xiled sleepymech is my CoC tag

XGC x0 0 7x XI

Staff member
Not yet despair. Currently there is only one approved CoC clan. Whomever is running the other doesn't have permission.

Oh btw there is space in the only CoC clan. I believe 3 spots are open for active members. 1500 min trophies.


New member

Attention Xiled Gamers!!

We currently have a few spots open in our Clash of Clans mobile group. You must have a minimum of 1500 trophies and be active in clan wars. Also only donate what is asked for or you will be removed. If you meet these qualifications search Xiled Gaming in the clan search on Clash of Clans. It will be the one with around 48 members. Hope to see you there!!


New member
I am having fun with you guys on CoC I have been doing a lot of donating already lol....I am sitting at +400 and its only day 2 of the new week. I hope every one is liking those lvl3 dragons that I have been giving out on request, and if you have been asking for something strong for defense I have been giving you my lvl5 giants. I have think of them as my mini tanks since no one really has any room for a lvl3 Pekka. You guys are a lot more talkative too over gets very quiet and lonely on castleclash but I still have fun over there too. Btw if you're wondering about its sleepymech lol
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