Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but the "cold one" turns out to be a frozen foot...or a heartless ***** (take your pick)

i wish i didn't have to have any worries!

XGC Amun Ra

New member
granted but you spill something on it right after you get it

i wish people didn't try to talk to so much trash and act all big over XBOX. soo sad

Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but then they actually start crying when you beat them and that's even sadder

i wish i had stuff to do instead of just sitting here being bored at work

Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but then i kick your butt again and you get really embarrased ;D

i wish bulletproof wouldn't only send me invs when i'm already in a party of 6 =(


New member
granted but you cant do anything else

i wish i had blue bunny birthday party falvored ice cream

which btw if amazing