XGC Amun Ra

New member
granted but it's so good i eat it before i have a chance to give it to you

i wish my internet would stop being lame

KoG Enforcer XD

New member
Granted, but then it comes out that a player on the other team through the game for money. paid to him by the Packers owner. So they are stripped of there title and shut down permanently.

I wish I could go back to 15 and do it all over again. Knowing what I know now.

Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but the teenage hormones are too much for you to handle and they cause you to forget everything you've learned make all the same choices as before!

i wish i could teleport


New member
Granted but you teleport to the bottom of a septic tank and drown in doody.

I wish the packers win the super bowl fair and square and nobody throws the game ;)

Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but it only happened in Madden real life they don't even make it to the Super Bowl ;P

i wish had enough money so that I never had to work again


New member
Granted but you're robbed for all of it, and since you quit, you have no job.

I wish the Green Bay Packers win the super bowl in real life with nobody throwing the game :p

Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but the next time that happens is in 2197 ;D (I can ruin this one all day heeheehee)

i wish i had something to do at work besides hang out on this forum =)


New member
Granted but then they come back with ten times as many people.

I wish the Packers win in real life, with nobody cheating, this coming Super Bowl. ;)

XGC Traitor XC

Granted, but Aaron Rodgers breaks his neck next preseason and never plays again. (I assume they have a backup, but I have no idea who it is . . .)

I wish college wasn't so expensive.


New member
granted but then a tornado opens up.

i wish the packers win this seasons super bowl in real life with nobody throwing the game AND nobodys injured at all. so there! ;)

Miss Bunny

New member
granted, but you get the dreaded red rings of death and can't play if for another month anyway ;P

I wish poor Freaker wasn't so obsessed with the Packers ;D