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XGC Tantaliz XC

Staff member
Design Guidelines

Avatars, Signatures, Clan and Leader Banners are provided to allow members to add a custom/personal touch to their Posts, Clan and Leader Forums. There are a few guidelines which all members must follow, remember this is a privilege.

• No nudity, violent, graphic, illegal or racist images/logos/words. Please keep it PG-13.
• No derogatory, or offensive Avatars/Signatures are allowed.
• Profile pics are limited to 250x250 pixels in size with a maximum file size of 204kb.
• All forum members are allowed to upload one (1) image and up to five (5) lines of text for use in signatures.
• Signatures linking to a business are not allowed unless approved by the Council.
• Avatars or Signatures containing references to drugs, and/or drug use is not allowed (unless for legitimate drug awareness purposes).

Designers creating images found to be in violation of these requirements will be issued a warning.

Second offense will result in the Designer being removed from the Design Team. This is case by case.

Signature Guidelines
Dimensions: 400 x 200 pixels
Format: JPEG or GIF.
Max File Size: 120kb (File size does not apply if linked and not imported)
File Name: Must match members name, all in lowercase, and with no spaces.

• Member's Name: XGC xVIPERx XI would be xgcxviperxxi.gif

• Member must have 25 posts or more to request a signature unless being requested in a Designers personal forums.
• Once a signature has been completed, a minimum of 60 days must past before requesting a new one. (Edits can be made if clan or rank has changed)
• Individuals who have purchased specific active website Subscriptions can have multiple signatures. Multiple requests may be made. (1 every 2 weeks from the time signature is picked up)

Clan & Leader Banner Guidelines
Dimensions: 400 x 75 pixels
Format: JPEG or GIF.
Max File Size: 500kb
File Name: Must match clan name, all in lowercase, and with no spaces.
Section Leader's Banner: PNG only

• Clan's Name: XDC Xiled FX would be xdcxiledfx.png
• Member's Name: XGC xVIPERx XI would be xgcxviperxxi.gif

• There is a limit of one banner per six months per member or clan (Exception: New General or Edits to Existing Design Work - case by case basis).
Animated banners are limited to XD, XC, XI, and Clan Banners ONLY

Other Formats & Sizes
Usergoup Banners
175x25px or 175x35px

Max File Size: 120kb

XG Leader Banners

Home Page Slider Banners

Xiled Gaming Main Banners (Top of the Page)
1188 x 170 pixels
Theme banners must follow the color theme of the template used (Example: Gold for KoG forums, Red for SYN forums, etc..)
Forum Main, XGC, KoG, SYN, XGG, XDC, Paintball, & Addict
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