XDC Jinno

New member
I dont play CTF alot but there is a tactic in capturing flags

Im not sure if this is 100% true but when your assisting your teammate when hes bringing the flag home dont be directly behind him because youll most likely get shot, yes it saves the life of the runner but not all the time. I tend to run like either a medium distance bottom left or right away from him where I can see him run but far enough to see bullet fire. Bottom left or right because I think the enemies don't spawn near their flag but nearly parallel and opposite side of the map from the flag guy. so when they spawn it brings me enough time to catch up and kill them. (this tactic obviously doesn't work on nuketown).


New member
i found the best way is in a team do HQ, alone to Dom, or if you have one or two people play CTF dont do TDM unless you are a beast, basically play atleast 5 in every type, and see the leaderboards and check to see which game gave you more points per min, mine in HQ (which i play most often) is around 350, so thats what i do