hating the noob tubers and campers
Like was previous stated it is part of the game, not everyone runs around like a chicken with there head cut off. I personally set my claymore stay anywhere from 20 - 30 seconds to scan the area i am in for movement. Then if I get a kill i move someplace else and repeat the process. I have found a weapon wonderful for erridicating campers out of the favorite spot, without exposing you to there gunfire or wasting a grenade and that is the crossbow its great because your accuracy aiming a explosive is very good, and the fact that the bolt blows up after a couple of seconds works well. As far as noob tubing they only have two of them and I love noob tubers because when they shoot there first shot if they dont kill you they are extrememly easy to shoot because of the delay in reloading or switching weapons. The thing you got to realize is no matter how much you hate someone else style of play be it camping or run and gun, you will never make them change there style, so don't sweat the small stuff just get out there and play.