i live in southern indiana right by louisville kentucky.
F Fluttah Bug New member Jun 4, 2010 #25 I'm not big on pro football... more into college... GO BUCKEYES!!
KoG Impact New member Jun 4, 2010 #26 For Pro: Peyton Manning forever College I will always be a state fan MSU
M monkey11k New member Jun 9, 2010 #27 College you gotta go for IU all the way, though i can tell you how to find Purdue easier. Just go north till you smell it and west till you step in it.
College you gotta go for IU all the way, though i can tell you how to find Purdue easier. Just go north till you smell it and west till you step in it.
S SYN Imhotep New member Dec 26, 2011 #30 Noblesville indiana is where i live, and colts and packers all the way
X XGC Phobia New member Feb 19, 2012 #31 clarksville indiana here...across from louisville kentucky...the colts suck! Go titans!
I IGC Forsaken New member Feb 28, 2012 #32 livin it up in South Bend, moving to South Carolina in the next couple years (not sure when though). I'm a huge colts fan though WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
livin it up in South Bend, moving to South Carolina in the next couple years (not sure when though). I'm a huge colts fan though WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
X XGC Commando New member Mar 1, 2012 #33 I live in Washington, IN. I only watch the colts play. Besides last season lol