What do you do? Double craft nats?

That's easy if you've got the rc level and know how to avoid the abyss pkers...

Do you make 5.4m in profit or is that without the expenses of the p ess?

It's easy to make money if you've got decent amount of money.

And btw, coal usually sells in members worlds 18-200ea, most buy for 190-200ea on forums.
I good way to merchant if your non mem would be to get some nubs around cow pens to sell you there hides about 95 ea then you go to worlds like 1-9
and sell like 140 me...i do it all the time...when you got like 1 mill and w8 for the kiddies to get you the hides you track in some huge bux...
i got like 10 kids to work for me in 1 day.... tommorrow i will get like 10 more...
trust me...everyone likes the deal...and you rack in huge bucks.....

However for a member its much much much easier.... You simply get like 2 mill using skills or the non mem thing i sed....and you merchant off abbysal sell em anywhere from 1.4 to 2.2 so if you can find a kid really needing to sell his for like 1.5...then go find a kid really wanting to buy it for like made 400k...however this strategy takes A LOT OF TIME.....

If you are not willing to do it that way...then just mine pure ess...if you have 68 magic...use the magic guild as a quick and easy way to get the job done.... if not 70 magic simply find a closer place NOT VARROCK...
varrock is a waste of time...go to east argourne if you can.......also if you put no armor on and put like a lightweat cape .....and also the boots of lightness or whatever the crap they're called will also help too....

also when you get like 10-20 mill you merchant of rares to make money such as barrows......
you make millions man!!!It's crazy thats where all the money is going as a mem! So make some millions and go to like world 2 at fally and sell sell sell! You can make ike 150 mill in 2 weeks off 10 mill starting.......This is the absolute one and only best way to mak money... People will waste some big bucks on barrows trust me! however sometimes it is a bit hard to sell the items.

If you found this post usefull in order to make money plz post so........

sincerely,xXkog BXR masterXx OR Dan
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KoG Mad Hatter

New member
And oh btw i dont double craft nats i have full pouches which makes it to where i can craft 43 nats per run and a run takes me about 2 minutes tops and oh thats over 5.3m profit in a 24 hour time period. and i mean profit as in you spend a mill or two getting the essence in the first place.


New member
personally. i used to just use skills to make money(back when i played runescape) and i got absoulutely nowhere. lol. so just a reminder to everyone, never use a damn skill. all i got outta it was like 72 wc.

KoG Deliverence

New member
But you can make money off of skills if you were to make 5k yew longs ( and you get ALL the materials) you make a hifty profit becaues its all profit. Also you get XP which everyone can see and therefore you look better in rankings and what not.

As for merchanting its very dangerous to dont forget. I used to merchant a couple years ago and made a lot of money(30m). But i lost 20m of it when contruction came out and prices dropped 1-3m in a day. So this is a dangerous yet rewarding way to make money.

The fastest all time way to make money though would be rc at 91. Though it takes 12m to get there its worth it. You can easily make a 900k profit each hour. But it could also take months and months of doing nothing but that.

Cow hides for non memb. are a good way to merchant. Get some noobs that will go and get you cow hides for a low price and BAM! sell them :) i'll even buy them from ya.

Barrows though is not meant for everyone. While my friends all got millions i however got nothing. I have done barrows 67 times in total and have gotten nothing out of it. It could just be my bad luck but its not a instant millionaire business.

What I used to do also (years ago) i got 70 agillity and went and collected d bones and blue dhide. But at this time now they are not as expensive as they once were making them not worth the time.(but if you have no other skills....)

I have not played Runescape ever sense i have gotten in KoG sadly. There just isn't enough time in the day to do both for me. Kinda sad but if anyone ever needs advice or wants to play pits or cw I'll love that. I'm 120 cmb and have been playing for 6 years. I was in RSC.

And yes there are many ways to make money. You need to find a way where you can have fun. Money is highly overrated. All you need to be happy is a whip. Once you got that your life is complete(trust me)