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Wicked 7

New member
Phantom..if that is the case..why did 3 out of the 5 guys not get over 2billion kills or 2 billion points.

The two gentelman that did get those boosted scores and kills where removed from the community for Boosting..thier leaderboard stats where the evidence we anwser the other questions posted in this thread...XG has a Zero tolerance police for Cheating/Modding/and Bosting.

If XG truly has a Zero Tolerance policy fro Cheating/Modding and Boosting then why exactly did it take so long for an ex leader to be asked to leave when his stats were def boosted and anyone can tell you that if they ever played with him. He admitted to having a modded controller 3 months before being asked to leave. So if there is in fact a zero tolerance policy does it only apply to people under a certain rank?


New member
I'll tell you now that when being dragged into a game like that it is the protocol to leave immediately and contact a higher rank to make sure you save yourself, however, the warning signs that were indicate that he stayed in the match and it is reflected in his K/D ratio and such

on top of that the only way your stats are affected by it is if you play in the match whether you die or kill someone but giving the benefit of the doubt all the way up to the point that he is in the game the first shout of im boosting which happens in every lobby and that 'lasers' were coming out of guns means you exit immediately and that is avoiding alot of other problems he had to accept an invite from somebody random (hopefully) and accept in which everyone on mw2 that boosts lobbies tells you that they are doing it so therefore he accepted to join a lobby that was boosting and in turn got boosted so he was kicked

i tell you once more that you should not accept invites from randoms if you havent talked to them before and always read what you are getting into if you do get dragged into it somehow then please exit immediately simple stuff that can keep you in xg if anyone doesnt agree with it then please dont let the door hit you on the way out and other guest communities are accepting members

That is 100% NOT true.

i was in longer then mudfli, plus i killed 2 people in the lobby and all it did was level me up.......

The councial and community leaders just enjoy being full of **** dont you guys?

XGC dacougs

New member
I guess it's not worth debating because nothing will change. Mudfli as our leader always told us in every meeting what the rules are and he wouldn't hesitate to kick us if we violated them. As soon as they realized they had gotten into a modded lobby (I emphasize that they randomly got in as a GROUP to a modded lobby - they were not invited) he told everyone to reboot their xboxes. He then within minutes was speaking with division leaders telling them what happened. He was told they did what they should do in such cases and that it was OK. Then later, people made a decision based on incorrect information. Now all they can do is defend their decision and will never accept that they just MIGHT be wrong.

DawnofAnimal is a perfect example. Read his last post. He was in the lobby longer than mudfli, killed 2 people and all it did for him was level him to 70 in the prestige level he was already in - but didn't impact his gamer stats. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT NEW GLITCHES ARE NOW BEING CREATED AND NEITHER DO THE GAME MAKERS OR THEY WOULD FIX THEM. WE DO NOT KNOW HOW THE NEXT GLITCH OR CURRENT ONE WE ARE UNAWARE OF YET EXISTS, WILL DO. WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT ASSUMPTIONS ARE BEING MADE BASED ON INCORRECT INFORMATION AND PRIDE IS GETTING IN THE WAY OF SEEING THEIR MISTAKES.

XGC dacougs

New member
1. honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.
2. a source of credit or distinction: to be an honor to one's family.
3. high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank: to be held in honor.

Where is the honor in what happened? Honor Code means nothing if those who uphold it and enforce it to the letter of the law are then kicked based on a false perception of events and their statement means nothing. I exhort the leadership to truly look at who the person is they are not believing before they make a decision. Mudfli is an awesome guy who spoke nothing but good things about XGC and ALWAYS promoted the honor code, yet he is kicked because some people who are so far up the ranks that don't know him or what he stands for don't believe him. Sorry, but I call B.S. I know several mid ranked individuals who thing this is B.S. but don't want to say anything because they fear retribution. Is this a dictatorship? We should support those whose values meet or EXCEED those put forth by XGC.

John Smurf

New member
hey guys hows it going

if you haven't heard XGC BigWhit left a thread last night called Mayhem basically he said he was leaving XGC and went and joined TXG

and as for mudfli i heard from my general that he did everything he was suppoesed to do that he told his XS and it was taken up the ranks to the leaders and they gave him two choices 1 he could create a new account or 2 he could leave so from what i heard he got very verbal after that he told the leaders to go do something and then he went and joined TXG... Some choice huh i mean idk the guy but if he had a huge gamerscore i'd be pissed. from what my general told me he spent 3 years just working his way up to general what a shame all that time wasted for nothing. Not to be rude but if it was me i think i would've created a new tag like they asked and used the other one as a 2nd tag just to try and please the leaders but that's just me

SYN HighLite

New member
seriously man?? ive talked to the leaders that banned him and they used the evidence that was put before them! Yes there was evidence its called his K/D ratio and kills count which exceeded the possible limit showing that he had to have played a bit in the match its pointless to keep going on about it and as far as it being a dictatorship theres more then one person in power call it either a congress or a parliamentary system and get passed it

John Smurf

New member
i feel bad for anyone that got caught up in this dramatic event but truthfully i might regret saying this idk but if it happens to anyone again it'll prolly be best just to keep your mouth shut because apparently it didn't help him and he thought he was doing the right thing but it ended up not being the right thing and it ended up where he had to leave XGC because he had no money to create a new account. So basicaly the leaders didn't give him any other choice except to leave for something that wasn't even his fault. So i hope that your happy over in TXG Mudfli and that things are better for you in the long run AND to the LEADERS please don't BAN me for having my own opinion


Community Leader
For the second time I've had to explain it this month. There's always three sides to every story. There's both sides of the story and then there is the truth which we research and discover! You ever wonder why sometimes it takes us days or weeks later to make a decision after a situation occurs? Its because we talk to everyone involved, research the situation at hand and get our facts straight!

Quit being so susceptible to the first thing you hear. You think people we remove are going to tell you the full story? If so, you need not be so trusting. People we remove tell you anything that makes us look like the bad guys and them look like the ones wronged! We've done this for years, we see the same things happen over and over.

Before you create and/or participate in a controversial thread pertaining to a decision we have made, know what are you are talking about! This situation like most, none of you have been in our party for hours discussing and researching the situation, therefor not knowing all the facts!

We do not make biased or unjust decisions. Period! Keep that in mind.
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