Wicked 7
New member
Phantom..if that is the case..why did 3 out of the 5 guys not get over 2billion kills or 2 billion points.
The two gentelman that did get those boosted scores and kills where removed from the community for Boosting..thier leaderboard stats where the evidence we used..to anwser the other questions posted in this thread...XG has a Zero tolerance police for Cheating/Modding/and Bosting.
If XG truly has a Zero Tolerance policy fro Cheating/Modding and Boosting then why exactly did it take so long for an ex leader to be asked to leave when his stats were def boosted and anyone can tell you that if they ever played with him. He admitted to having a modded controller 3 months before being asked to leave. So if there is in fact a zero tolerance policy does it only apply to people under a certain rank?