welcome to XG
Jagyr New member May 15, 2007 #163 1. Jagyr 2. XBox Live Ambassadors 3. 5-14-06 You guys look like a pretty sweet clan. I look forward to fighting with you.
1. Jagyr 2. XBox Live Ambassadors 3. 5-14-06 You guys look like a pretty sweet clan. I look forward to fighting with you.
G GuTH SiCkNeSs New member May 15, 2007 #164 PEACE GOLD SQUAD Peace gold squad Sup Gold Squad -Sgt Guth Represent
Metroid Fan 94 New member May 23, 2007 #169 welcome all new people and I'm just going to post even though I've been here for a few months... -Metroid Fan 94 -KoG Revolution -March 2007
welcome all new people and I'm just going to post even though I've been here for a few months... -Metroid Fan 94 -KoG Revolution -March 2007
Metroid Fan 94 New member May 23, 2007 #170 oh lol make sure you check out that video in my signature it's pretty nice
W wioneo New member May 25, 2007 #171 Tag: wioneo Clan: Probably KoG Live, but who knows? Joined: Within the last 28 seconds
K KoG Goldfinger New member May 25, 2007 #172 KoG Goldfinger joined : December 30th-ish 2006 KoG Amplified (im no longer in excalibur)
Helsinki99 New member May 27, 2007 #176 NEW TO XGC New to XGC Gametag: Helsinki99 Clan: XGC INTEGRITY Join Date: May 25, 2007 Just want to say thanks to XGC PRISONER for inviting me and I look forward to gaming w/ everyone!!!!!
NEW TO XGC New to XGC Gametag: Helsinki99 Clan: XGC INTEGRITY Join Date: May 25, 2007 Just want to say thanks to XGC PRISONER for inviting me and I look forward to gaming w/ everyone!!!!!
X XGC xBUSTAx New member Jun 2, 2007 #179 Gametag: XGC BUSTA207 OR L3GiTxxTba66in Clan: XGC KINGS + XGC SALVATION Join Date: AUGUST 25, 2006