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NeWesT AgAiN


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Design Fundamentals

Yeah, so I've been working on this for awhile, in order to get a lot of applicants, as well as people interested in designing, on track to getting really good at this stuff.

So, let's get started

  • Size-To start off with, the XG guildlines state that the limit on sig size is 500x200 px. That doesn't mean, however, that you must constantly rape this limit. Actually, you'll find that small sigs look better almost all the time. There is less room so you have to focus on what exactly you want in your sig, rather than figuring out what kind of filler to put in all that empty space. Any render with some bad quality, whether it be some artifacts or bad compression, can be shrinked to the size of a small sig, obscuring the artifacts or removing them altogether.
  • Flow-A good sig goes either two ways, they either have a flow related to the render/created by oneself, or they're static, and the sig flows towards the static render. I dunno the exact terms, so art buffs, sue me :cool:. When creating a sig, keep in mind the render. Is it in the process of an action? If so, what direction is it leaning towards? From this you can apply smudge, c4ds, spatter, displacement, etc, in the same general direction. If the render is static, such as the portrait of a model, or a character just standing still, you can either has the sig work towards the render, or have it "explode" away from the render. Flow works for the eyes of the observer. You want them to move towards the focal points of your sig (more on this in a bit), and anything conflicting with that flow will throw them off.
  • Focals, the Rule of Thirds- I think this is a common theme in art. Any work can be divided into thirds, and from this can you separate the good from the great. You'll see the placement of focals, or the main eyecatcher of your sig. Almost all of the time, your focal is your render, and if its a character/person, their face.

    Here is a typical sig.

    As you'll see, I divided it. Notice the intersections of the vertical and horizontal lines. This is where eyes tend to move towards. Placing your focal near these crosses is perferred, as it gives a good starting flow to your sig. Not exactly on the crosses, but near them, as evident in this sig.

    Going back, you'll also see how the flow compliments the render, moving towards the top left.

    (More to come, as I got stuff to do today, wake, errands, etc,. ;_;

    Next up: Bad examples of focals, what to take from tutorials, the color wheel, examples of good and bad signatures, etc,.)


New member
Very Nice, reminds me of a video production class I have taken, the main thing they focus on is the rule of thirds, you have to remember, with signatures the focals do not need to be restricted to this, but it is a good way to keep everything under control.



New member
they're awesome doctor, never got into Final Fantasy though, perhaps I will pick up the newest game in the series when it comes out on Xbox 360, but anyway, with your obvious skillzzzz would you please take up my sig request?
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