No I'll do more than text... I just like doing text also.
Ticklez New member Feb 19, 2009 #2,967 Um... I need to give you the file now Saints... please add me as well. Thanks.
K KoG Saints Hand New member Feb 19, 2009 #2,970 JUST SOMTHING just somthing just i thing i did for my myspace my friends wanted to know what i did on photoshop
JUST SOMTHING just somthing just i thing i did for my myspace my friends wanted to know what i did on photoshop
X XGC Define XS New member Feb 20, 2009 #2,974 QUESTION? Question? What must I do to get on the design team?
S SYN Cheddarbob New member Feb 20, 2009 #2,975 Submit an application with your work and experience in it, the app forum is located at the top of the design team members forum.
Submit an application with your work and experience in it, the app forum is located at the top of the design team members forum.
Ticklez New member Feb 21, 2009 #2,978 All I can say is it looks totally AWESOME!! And great job with the text Slim Jim.