most look exactly the same style, try and mix up the kinds of sigs you make, do a flowing sig once, then next a grunge style...try not to let one style rule your sig making
and a lot dont have much depth to them, in other words they are very flat
you have flow down pretty well though, nothing sticks out to much and most blend well.
hi spartacus im in syn pride im a sergeant in green squad and i was woundering if you could make me a sig? my gamertag is HvK GoDf4ThEr. if u can do that it will be very aprecheated i can spell but yea
spartacus, like what u do, ares nice, but yo spartacus, wrap something for me when u get the chance, GT xThatOneKidx, make me proud bro, yes im only a little private, but i should get luitenent pretty soon, so yea dont put my rank just my name in something cool looking
Here you go OneKid...I read elsewhere you were looking for like a dream type sig...I made it as abstract and dream like as possible. If your looking for something else or some other type of color scheme or something let me know.