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Sig for FLu!

Hey all, Looking for a H3 Sig, with some dark tones...

maybe this SS can help as well



New member

'nother 'quest: include my pics?!

Halo3 themed
writing: xXKillMasterXx (possibly wondering if u have time to make it animated and the x's to 'appear' in the name either by a scroll or possibly cut or slashed into the picture:cool:)

don't care about color as long as it stands out from the background (depending on pics used) :: if using the slash idea mentioned above i guess have lettering in blood splatter or something dark

i think a more 'heavenly' type pic would be cool with maybe a little dark side to it

im allowing for alot of artistic freedom because i have faith in u. THANKS in advance.


New member
=\ yeah scanlines did suit it well, but me lol, i hate all scan lines pretty much so ^^and some photofiltering cooling and burn wouldve been nice is what im saying


Community Leader
SIG REQUEST ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Sig Request ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

hey what up i need a sig since i was promoted!
(now what i like in my sigs)
I like basic stuff basic colors (black , yellow, red, and white)
I like for my sigs to represent my name K1NG)
i dont want halo themed sig
I like army shooters like graw 2 and call of duty 4

thank you to who ever makes my sig!


Community Leader
thanks man oh and by the way do you have a xbox still because i need someone to have overlord in one of my old clans! haha and your the ony person in it with overlord


New member
dude sick signature RED loved it, finally no scan lines ^^ =D a little hard to make out the render and BG could be a little more active but super sick job at least I loved it ^^ 9/10

Mr Maverick Jet

New member


NOthing to complicated really but the big thing I'm looking for is for someone who can make me somethign that just looks completely dark and evil. Something sadistic. As far as text on the sig all I want is my gamertag. basically it can all be summed up with evil and dark lol

SYN Jerriel

New member

News Crew Banner needed plz

Hey Guys i need your help. i need news crew banners for the news crew. i need one for each of the following ppl.

Jerriel-Team leader

KoG WorWon

XGG xXHeatherXx

KoG Frontsid3

i dont have an idea for them but if you could you just make one that you like it will be kool for the time being. thanks


New member
No one is going to want to try and create anything for this request, one because it is too open, we would end up making more than like 8 versions of each because the news crew would have something to fix pretty much every time (as we have seen from past experiences when people let you go to town) we need some kind of theme or something, please check the sig request stick and at least give us some kind of theme and we might come up with something,

sorry about this but it is neccessary for the design team to keep on going

XGC Get Wrecked

New member

SIG Request :D :D !

Background: I would like a Halo 3 themed signauture with a Spartan Standing in the center wearing normal armor(Color White And Red) holding a Sniper Rifle relaxed aiming it down towards the ground and having smoke coming off the barrel and if possible smoke coming off his body and also for the smoke It would be cool if you could make it defnite looking like so that you can really see it good in the sig.
Background Color: I would like something darkish but nothing to dark so that you cant see the spartan or the smoke coming of the barrel.
Text: my gamertag XGC Get Wrecked(White Awesome Looking Cursive).
Quote: "Even The Greek Gods Look Up To Me" (White Awesome Looking Curisve)
Clan/Rank: XGC DarkAges Captain (White Awesome Looking Cursive)
Type: Smooth would be best but if you have a preference for a sig like this and what would look best doesnt bother me.
Size: Biggest Possible.

I would just like to thank Y'all in advance because im getting rid of the old sigs I have to put this one up now that I'm in a stable clan so now everything matches. Thank you very much ahead of time cant wait to see the outcome.
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