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Krayzie Knight

New member

[SOLVED] can i get a sig please?

Um not sure exactly, something with a blackknight-like figure in the background, something that sounds like it would go with my name. use ur imagination. Make sure u have XGC Shrapnel in the background and have my name in the bottem right corner. try to make my name in fancy lettering plz. also plz add my rank. i am currently a lueitenant soon to be captain so if you can make a lueitenant one, and make a second captian one (the same thing just different rank) for when i do get promoted.
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FX Samurai

New member
i could probably try to do one for you when i have time. im in north carolina right now. so it might be either thursday or friday before its done okay?


New member

[SOLVED] sig request

Hello. Please make me an awesome siqnature.

1. Type of Siq - dunno, something super awesome would be great?

2. Color - Teal (teal squad)

3. Theme - Halo 3 theme

4. Pictures -

5. What I want it to say -
I want big letters SYN GRAVY(Color white) with Sargent(color white) under it and then say SYN CHAOTIC(Color black)

6. Thanks a bunch!

SwampyThe Gamer

New member
i understand doing a sig & banner is voluntary but geez i cant get no one in here to do one for me and my banner req. from NOVEMBER.is someone in the desighn team even alive lol


New member
Dude i see where u coming from...lol its terrible

The one guy i know who is very active and does a good job is SYN GUARDIAN so maybe hit him up and im sure he'll put something together for you... ;)



New member
dont take it personal Swamp but most of the design team arent active. Cheddar is trying to change that. I suggest going directly to either XGG Senorita's, SYN Guardian's, KoG Cheddar XM's, or XGC Resilient XD's forum and ask them. You have a really good chance of a responce

SYN Gucci Mane

New member
First off sorry to say CHeddar is in my clan i asked him if he could are clan a banner he said no he had better things to do then make us one so how could he possiblibe be tryign to get people active romance when he aint active him self ?


New member

your banner

hey bud. i would be happy to help you. just pm me with the materials and colors and all that jazz you want included


New member

[SOLVED] Sig request

hey guys and girls im in need of a sig by the looks of mine that i made it was made in PAINT anywho i whould love to display your work as my sig what i would like to hav on my sig...
  1. my name KoG SHO2theGUN on the bottom right of the sig in purple
  2. call of duty 4 theme kinda go with the steathy look
  3. RAIN of corse it must be PURPLE lol purple rain.no prince tho
  4. KoG OBLIVION under my name
  5. Make it P.I.M.P thanks

XGC Blood Fire

New member

[SOLVED] Sig Request!

I know i already have 2 sigs but i want one sig which will stay with me forever and if this subscription kicks in some time in the future i wanna have one sig and thats it. i dont need a sig to communicate so if you guys are too busy i understand.

I would like a black Sig With red Fire in the layered on top in the background with a 3D border around the sig. (kinda sounds like the one i already have but different)

Then i would like XGC Blood Fire in strong red writing and XGC IMMORTALS in the same colour. and could i have ryu hayabusa from the game Ninja Gaiden on it. if no pictures of that fit or look good could i please have a cool looking dragon instead...thanks if you need more info. let me know!

if you guys are to busy just delete this thread or let me know.

SYN MacDub2x7

New member

[SOLVED] Banner Request for SYN Mafia

okay heres what i want: all i need you guys/girls to do is make it so the backround is the italian flag and make it banner size requirements. do whatever else you feel is necassary to make this banner look great.
here the image with the direct link as well:



thnxs and i know it will turn out great.
pls get back to me on this asap :)
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