When doing a signature request, do your best to follow the guidelines that they gave you, if they weren't specific enough, ask them some questions about what they would like in it and give them some examples. Only go free-style on it if they specifically tell you to do so! Remember respect other people's ideas for their sig!
^^ Guidelines is italic because it was misspelled (originally guidlines) ^^
If that was the case than you should not have taken the sig, and/or asked him for either another style or more information on the sig. Even though there is a rule stating that people should not request a specific member, he requested a member range, I don't see anything wrong with that, if the request had been up for a while, than I wouldn't still be arguing it, BUT the request had just been opened and I think you should have respect his wishes and let either me or chocobo follow through.
Also, please don't let personal afars come into these sigs... (you should understand what I'm talking about)