hey snyder you my want to check your banner size XI banner are bigger then other banner here are the sizes for what they do.
Custom Signatures:
- Max size: 500 x 200 pixels or 1,000.0 KB (whichever is smaller)
- Note: 200 x 500 is not allowed
Forum Banners:
- This banner is for any forum that requires a banner, such as clan banners.
- Size: 445 x 50 pixels
- Format: jpg, png, or gif
- File name: Name of file all in lowercase and no spaces
- Example: XGC Basic would be xgcbasic.png
Council Member Banners:
- Same as forum banners except size
- Size: 445 x 100 pixels
Profile Pictures:
- Max size: 250 x 250 pixels or 200.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
- Format: jpg, png, or gif
Custom Avatars:
- Max size: 150 x 150 pixels or 100.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
Xiled Design Watermark:
- Submission size: 150 x 150 pixels
- Use in art sigs: 45 x 45 pixels
Xiled Gaming Banners:
- Banners must follow the color theme of the template used
- Xiled Gaming Size: 990 x 150 pixels
- XGC Size: 975 x 220 pixels
- KoG Size: 975 x 220 pixels
- SYN Size: 975 x 220 pixels
- Xbox Size: 1001 x 150 pixels
- Playstation Size: 1001 x 150 pixels
- Wii Size: 1001 x 150 pixels
- PC Size: 1001 x 150 pixels