Go Find a New Picture. and Type What ever you want. Save it under .png.
THEN! Do the Same thing again, same picture, same text. then save it under .jpg (or something around there .jpeg).
JUST do not USE .gif as a saving thing in paint. it'll make it look crappy as heck.
Hey if its not a problem try it with paint or just go physco with one thats has RBW320, KoG Impact, and Captain and deals with Halo. I want to see what your capible of man
hey cheddarbob do you think you could make me a really cool halo sig that has a red spartan but if thats too much trouble then just forget it. i would like my gamertag and clan in the sig.
Um, I like the first one, can you do something to the background to make it less flat though?
Also I was looking for more comments that I could use generically for random comments - when someone sends a friend request to the XGG myspace, etc. Like with the banner chick, and other chicks with gunz. Cause girls with guns rule
Copy the Code i gave you.
Click My Links at the Top.
Click Edit Signature.
And past the code there, then remove any *'s that you see in it. Then Click Save Sig.