New member
Wow! The total score of all the games I played (360) don't even add up to that amount even if i didn't earn them lol! 200,000!! Is there even enough possible ways by 360 games and all the arcade games to even hit that???
Wow! The total score of all the games I played (360) don't even add up to that amount even if i didn't earn them lol! 200,000!! Is there even enough possible ways by 360 games and all the arcade games to even hit that???


if i got every single achievement for every game/arcade game i have boughten, i would have about 43k right now. But i dont, because i only have 13k


New member
So we all established that its very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very hard and annoying to get these achievements.

SYN Untraceable

New member
Yea i know dude, even if you had only 95 games that is still like SUPER hard to complete them all, i say the first guy who gets this is a hacker...

XGC BoonDock

New member
I can't see anybody having this for a long time. And if they do already have it, then they hacked their way up there or they have no life.



New member
untraceable i think i might go and get some of my achievments for madden with u, i already got some cause i owned maverick in it i beat him 92 to 14

yea he got owned and never played it again

SYN Untraceable

New member
alrighty... I have almost all of them, all i need to do is recover 2 fumbles with one guy, and complete 20 passes in a row... sure, send me an inv sometime... i will be addicted to CoD4 though for the next week since the maps come out tomorrow!


New member
no if you have over like 5k u can just get the image, and also do me a favor and go to the help desk and go to the name change, and have them capitalize the SYN in it pls thanks