Contray to what everyone believes, You can happen to join a 10th prestige on accident.
They are Real games, and not private matchs, Usually there modded so you cant join, but the bad versions of the modded rooms you can accidently join, as we have had happen to us. As well as some of my friends have happened to them.
MW2 is full of modders, and some of them suck at modding, its sad thta mudfli was forced to leave, because the councial doesn't know enough about the situation.
I have buddies in microsoft, who have know about it for awhile, and in reality, microsoft cant really do anything about it, its up to whats left of infinity ward. and activision, which we all know nothings gonna happen about that... with the only ppl who care about the players got fired not to long ago...
And now soon, halo will be dieing, because activision just got rights to produce and sell the next halo.