ROT IN HELL AK-74U........

scratch that last post i did i now use the spectre with grip and rapidfire or extended mags works great and i even can out gun the ak74u

night ninja

New member
I would of thought when they patched it. that less people would use it but thats not the case. I used it since the patch and with a grip i cant even til they updated it.


New member
I love seeing those kids that use AK74 Rapid fire with ghost and they get a high score thinking they've got skill. That gun is a short-distance, medium-distance hands down kill if you go face to face. No gun can overpower it. I've even seen some BS long range kills too. any time I come across a player that uses it, I bring up the xbox menu/recent players/find that player/leave feedback/avoid player/player skill/lacking skill.

It's annoying. "But it's legal," well that doesn't mean you're any less of a vaj for using it.


New member
i hate the ak 74 u i thinks its really favored in blacks ops, well i mean alot of ppl use it and the range and stoping power is way overrated for a smg, the commando is where its at great weapon choice for skilled players, but thats just my opinion....


New member
What is bad is they have already nerfed the 74u once but it did practically nothing.....That gun must have been touched by Chuck Norris....I'm just sayin'....

The Lone Cookie

New member
74u needs a nerf only because it's classified as a SMG, it plays near identical to it's 47 counterpart (my favorite gun). The fact that it has the mobility of an SMG is the only reason i call for a damage reduction on it.

Side note **** THE SPECTRE. I get cross map headshotted by that little ****stain more than the 74u any day of the damn week and it's aggravating.