SiLeNt HuNtReSs

New member
I remember one guy telling me to "go make me a sandwich Bi*%" my reply, "what are your hands broken? Is the kitchen to far for you?" he had a great a comeback for that "shut up Bi*%"...very original

I don't really understand why they must proceed to say these things. I mean, if they said this their girlfriend/mother or any woman they would get an earful from them..I think hiding behind a mic makes them feel more superior..Well there not men there boys who don't know how to properly interact with others. That's why I'm glad I joined XGC at least I would have a whole heap of people to back me up lol

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
does what work? everyone can see your posts... in the future try not to post twice in a row... you can just edit your previous post if you forgot to say something... thx

SYN Zabber

New member
now that im in GG I have to watch what i say im a good gamer after all plus i've gotten suspended too many times lol

Haha i've gotten my 2nd suspension which is almost up but when I play with girls i get more laid back less competitive. Oh boy is it funny to hear you girls cuss a storm to the other players and put'em their place haha. It also shows how many immature guys there really are aswell..

SYN HighLite

New member
Lmao Gotta love S*** talkers that get owned by female gamers :)
if i could hear that happen everyday i'd be set for life! lol :D

XGC Bobwell12

New member
^ Yea they are "hurt" because a female gamer whoop their butt. I hear a lot of s*** directing to my wife (XGC Havick)! No one has the right to degrade a female, especially a female gamer, and most def. not a XG female gamer!

XG males, defend our females, all females.

XGC streetdemon

New member
suspension well earned, i love playing with chicks, epically when we win.that way you can always say u just got beat by a wife says that all the time and i just die laughing because the room goes silent for at least 2 seconds or more,hahahahaha

br1d3 0f ka0s

New member
Im one to be quiet, especially when I use to play on my husbands name before I got my own. And I have learned that I get yelled at either way for doing well. But my favorite time was when me and a group of people (including my husband) were playing COD and the one guy told my husband to go back to his fatt butt wife, (after I gave him a compliment on a good game) the room went silent before I chewed him a new one, and quickly he apologized. You dont get apologies very often.

Br1d3 0f ka0s


New member
Well it is disappointing to come across the infamous rude players that insult others but indeed anymore I just say "GG" for a group that aren't mutually respectful but if they are being at least decent/had an amazing match I'll say "Good Game Players!" Though I can't come up with a list of 10, I can definitely agree with OP's #3, 5, 6, 8, 10 as just being in the same game lobby to hear it. It's also stereotyped that young kids playing video-games may be social outcasts or not getting laid. To rise beyond all this rudeness it's just my opinion it may be necessary to not pay attention to stereotypes at all but also; "At the end of the day it's just a game." "It's just pixels on your monitor/tv." I heard repeatedly back when I played Eve Online.

I have come across some players that are just in general playing around with their comments, being themselves as if they were socializing IRL but it took getting to know these players to understand that they were just playing around. The way I can think of explaining it, is that they were constantly 210% ****y. To flirting with the next female voice to just giving each other and other players a rough time but it was all playful. But it's quite rare to come across someone like that anymore.

I once got rather hot and bothered by it but have just got over it and am now at a point I'd be indifferent if someone put a gun to my forehead to whatever negative comment another player throws my way. There's too much in life you have no control over so I quit bothering with overloading myself to worry/think about it.

XGC Darkfirefly

New member
1) Go back to the kitchen
2) Are you a girl?
3) Isn't it past your bedtime
4) Go make me a sandwich
5) You glitched
6) A girl playing video games you must be fat and ugly
7) I don't like playing with other girls (i've gotten that one alot lol)
8) I'm going to teabag you
9) You sound like a little boy
10) Girls shouldn't play video games.

i have heard these things so many times if your going to insult me come up with something clever, girls are going to keep playing video games no matter how many times you insult them. :)

you forgot can I have your phone # and are you married?

XGC Darkfirefly

New member
1) Go back to the kitchen
2) Are you a girl?
3) Isn't it past your bedtime
4) Go make me a sandwich
5) You glitched
6) A girl playing video games you must be fat and ugly
7) I don't like playing with other girls (i've gotten that one alot lol)
8) I'm going to teabag you
9) You sound like a little boy
10) Girls shouldn't play video games.

i have heard these things so many times if your going to insult me come up with something clever, girls are going to keep playing video games no matter how many times you insult them. :)

you forgot can I have your phone # and are you married? He He but its all true....

Fluttah Bug

New member
1) Go back to the kitchen
2) Are you a girl?
3) Isn't it past your bedtime
4) Go make me a sandwich
5) You glitched
6) A girl playing video games you must be fat and ugly
7) I don't like playing with other girls (i've gotten that one alot lol)
8) I'm going to teabag you
9) You sound like a little boy
10) Girls shouldn't play video games.

i have heard these things so many times if your going to insult me come up with something clever, girls are going to keep playing video games no matter how many times you insult them. :)

Very very true. I was told last night I sound like a girl.... obviously... last time I checked I am a girl. But ya know, things can change I guess? lol
People are morons. And sexist rude jerk butts need to grow up and pull their panties out of their anus and realize it's not the flippin stone age.

IBooST Shh

New member
lol, my friend's constantly asking me to invite girls into the party so he can chat them up. i add in little boys who sound like girls, and he usually says the top 10 things haha.

XGC Thuglife

New member
I think that it is cool that girls play video games. I have met some really cool gamer girls and they were really good! I have also met some gamer girls that were just as bad as the guys playing! I don't judge someone just because you are a girl playing video games. Video games are not just for guys.