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munkeys daddy

New member
oh yea i tottally agree im a big advocate for that even though i dont do it anymore (because of my daughter and other reasons) i mean we could do so much with that tax not to mention all the money wed save from the anti marijuana campaigns, money going to keeping people in jail because of it all of that could go to making health care affordable but no. and also the government needs to get its head outta its @$$ and leagalize hemp we are the only country that has a law banning the growth and its stupid i mean it is cannabis put the thc content is so low you would have to smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole to get a buzz . hemp is a wonderful renewable resource that has very many uses we need to get outta the past and start marching towards the future

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
Hahahahahahahaha. But yeah , YET Salvia is legal last time I checked im pretty sure being blazed is less hazardous to his/her surroundings then hallucinating

munkeys daddy

New member
yea and that is stupid i tried salvia once and never did again that stuff is retarted i mean it totally makes you literally stupid and not be able to function at all worst experince of my life

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
Hahaha My firned recorded me i was on the floor moaning idk y though lol i was like crawling on the floor then idk i went reatrded for like half an hour then it kinda went back to normal

munkeys daddy

New member
yea i did it out in a field and i heard a ladys vocie say that she was coming to take me back with them cause i was dead and i started freaking out my friend said he was freeked out b/c he never seen someonme act like that so i said screw that stuff and then i just sat and watched people do it and laugh my a$s off

XGC bosoxfan

New member
well ALL pork is against my religion anyways so that clears me on the pigs. but i know it must be a very sad thing for an animal to die but the reality of all this is that ppl have their needs and one of that persons needs might be meat. i have no problems with vegans but meat is something that most people live off of.

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
I dont care if people consume just what people do to the animals before they are processed into what you are eating. The animals shouldnt have to go thorugh what they do . IF we couldnt survive the Holocaust then why should they share the same fate as the Jews

munkeys daddy

New member
yes thats understandable but they could do it in a more humane way is all im a meat eater but its sick how they treat these animals the worst is kentucky fried cruelty

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
Hahaha =D thats cool. i have stupid a$$ band practce this whole weekend so yet again i will not be on XBL and im only alound on , on the weekends because i cant concentrate on my school work as my mother says. but i dont mind =P

XGC bosoxfan

New member
I dont care if people consume just what people do to the animals before they are processed into what you are eating. The animals shouldnt have to go thorugh what they do . IF we couldnt survive the Holocaust then why should they share the same fate as the Jews

I see what you mean hut remember WE are not jews from the holocaust, and that was a completely different story. The jews were improsoned in camps b/c they were used as a scapegoat for a war, not to be killed and feed ppl around the world. I really understand what you're trying to say but remember as I said before, most people need to meat to survive as much as they need fruits and veggies. And yes KFC is bad, they are one perfect example you may use against CRUELTY to animals before they are killed.

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
I have already made that point that I have a problem with cruelty before the consumption adn production of animals. Also, I never stated that WE are the Jews of the holocaust. The animals are the Jews of the holocaust. And the consumers of meat products the Nazi'z

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
This is a happy cow =D

Sad Cow =(

Wicked 7

New member
ummm yea that doesnt really work at all i have to agree with bosoxfan that really doesnt fit this situation the holocaust was mostly about one mans idea of perfection alot of who you are calling nazis with that statement have to eat meat in order to survive yea the vegan diet is better health wise but it also costs quite a bit more than the meat would in the first place so part of the nazis here dont really have a choice ecspecially in these times when jobs are very scarce.

KoG Sassy Cat

New member
but the thing is that the people now a days are soooo consumed by our influences we have become to think that animals are not living creatures that is why people will abuse them. I bet that 99 % of people in this XG community dont even think about the animal that they are eating. Rememebr HUMANS are mammals . Mammals are classified as a type of ANIMAL as we are. Cows are Mammals and yet we treat them as they are just an object thus making the holocaust into place. People say the holocaust was with humans and its ok to kill anuimals but not ok to kill humans. If you give me parts of the Holocaust i will gladly compare the actions of factorys today to animals to the the holocaust like the gas chambers starvation and such cremetories and all of that
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