XGC Joven

New member
When people start talking crap before a game because of my K/D and then after the game when they lost apparently I cheated or have no life. -___-


New member
don't you just love that lol

when I legit drop shot one time during a game and someone accuses me of using a modded controller.

Remi S.

New member
People who talk trash about another persons emblem and go on about theirs being best but fail to realize things are misspelled in it.
People who are way too hyper.
People who tell their life story.


New member
People who have not respect for others, and using racial slurs, thinking it make them cool; it only shows their immaturity. Oh and LOUD mics with feedback and the white noise sound.


New member
People who play music entirely way too loud. I mean I don't mind hearing it sometimes but when it drowns everybody else in the lobby out, it gets a little old!

SOD Aphrodite

New member
I hate annoying kids and people playing music.. but the biggest thing that i hate (and other women im sure experience it) but as soon as i get into a lobby i hear "OMG ITS A GIRL!!!" followed by either annoying or rude comments.. i just mute them. ^.^

zG rougster

New member
People screeming into theyre mics, Trolls, When i die, Hitmarkers, 10 year olds, Claymores, Noob tubes. soooo call of duty bo2. lol

Remi S.

New member
Gamertags with apex, pro, and 420 in them.