KoG Remix

New member
i went to college. i graduated from Pennsylvania state university with a bachelor of science in psychology with a business option

Very successful. Congrads.

And the years just fly. I'm 17 in 2 weeks but man I feel like I was 14 a few months ago. Once life gets good it flies.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
it def flies... even when it's not good. when it's not good moments seem to last forever, but when you look back at things it still seems like yesterday that you were in college, in high school, growing up, dreaming about what you were going to be when you grow up, etc

KoG Remix

New member
I feel a sad conversation brewing up. Don't get down on me now. But I totally hear what your getting at. Back in those days you run around with friends playing mindless games of tag and hanging with a friend trying to devise a way to ask your parents for a sleepover for a night and if they say yes the world is at peace but if you got a no you were crushed. No jobs no nothing.

I'm sad now.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
i'm not sure which message you are refering to (because i read tons of messages and then spamed them), i'm assuming it has something to do with clan compete.

right now i work as a medical assistant in a pediatricians office in pittsburgh. it def is not what i wanted to do with my life (apparently... i have a psych degree with a business option) but it was a fluke that i got this job and for now it pays the bills... looking for an immediate change though if you know someone that's hiring... i'm thinking about moving to virginia


New member
I agree.

Also, congratulations with the degree. What type of job do you have now?

Also, what are the gameboards? You sent a message on Xbox Live.

the gameboards are the part of the forum entitled gameboards. They are were you can go in and talk about every game that you want. go to the forum page and scroll down you will see gameboards then they are seperated by console. check em out, but i see you have been posting in them already

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
thanks for bailing me out consig... i have read so many spam messages i can't distinguish between most of them because to me they are all common sense

Gaming Outlaw

New member
the gameboards are the part of the forum entitled gameboards. They are were you can go in and talk about every game that you want. go to the forum page and scroll down you will see gameboards then they are seperated by console. check em out, but i see you have been posting in them already

Okay, thank you.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
finally back on topic... i'd say the worst 360 game would be something like sneak king, fuzion frenzy 2, perfect dark zero, or the xmen game for the 3rd movie

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
no i haven't... i also heard that just cause, the outfit, and turning point(something of liberty i think it's called) were all terrible games...

I feel like there was another game that was either a launch title, or came out right after that was horrid, but i can't remember which one