what is your name?
I I WONA BURRITO New member Aug 1, 2010 #42 I have googled my name ( I guess that makes me stupid 3times over lol ) My names Rusty
G Gaming Outlaw New member Aug 3, 2010 #48 I searched the letter "Z" and it showed an album called Z: The Morning Jacket... =/
K KoG Remix New member Aug 3, 2010 #52 Well, my Googling career goes a long way. Sometimes I'll watch a movie and google something random from the movie or google a brand of pop and intensively research on it. But... facts about farting. That was pretty bad.
Well, my Googling career goes a long way. Sometimes I'll watch a movie and google something random from the movie or google a brand of pop and intensively research on it. But... facts about farting. That was pretty bad.
I I WONA BURRITO New member Aug 15, 2010 #59 No I don't want his SIG... I was just asking if he made it cuz it looks cool.