Chewbacca I 420

New member
Right now I would have to say my favorite band is either Gorod or Cryptopsy. It changes every month though, if even.

As for the people talking about Dragonforce watch these two videos: YouTube- Herman li is cool (or type in Herman Li is cool)

YouTube- Dragonforce Greatest Hits Promo (dragonforce greatest hits)

I'll give Dragonforce props for one thing and one thing only, they can play fast. And it's not even that fast compared to other bands.
"Ok, tell your friends Hermin Rii is cool, or I will **** on your head."


XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
i never said that dragonforce didn't have skill, i said that they were terrible live... they aren't able to perform half of the stuff that you hear on the album... i know they can play and can play fast, but a youtube video of a guy sitting at home playing around doesn't translate into a good live performance... he def has skill, but dragonforce is a let down live, and they have very little stage presence

XGC Axecident

New member
and i was also agreeing with coleslaw in that i have had a few friends go see them live, and told it they were garbage on stage...

but it still is fun to try to play Through Fire and Flames on GH3 lmfao
i beat it on hard once xS


New member
hmm... i don't hate rush, but i'm not a huge fan either... 80's belong to guns and roses

Now this is funny. GNR didnt come around until the very late 80's. WHile they did jam, the 80's belong to VanHalen, Motley Crue, Scorpions, Ratt, RUsh, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, Maiden, and I hate to admit it but Bon JOvi was a monster as well. THe list is too great to list them all here. Oh yea, Cant forget Judas Priest

Chewbacca I 420

New member
i never said that dragonforce didn't have skill, i said that they were terrible live... they aren't able to perform half of the stuff that you hear on the album... i know they can play and can play fast, but a youtube video of a guy sitting at home playing around doesn't translate into a good live performance... he def has skill, but dragonforce is a let down live, and they have very little stage presence

I don't know if you actually watched the videos or not, but based on how you responded I would assume that you didn't. They are both definetly making fun of the band. I don't know if I would really say they have skill myself. I personally don't like the band and have no clue why they get the credit that they do. But I can agree with you on their live show, I saw them at Ozzfest in I think '05, maybe '06 (whatever year was the one before they had it for free) and yeah horrible, horrible live show. Like you said no stage presence and they can't even play half of their own music. Plain and simple, there are just many, many more power metal bands that dominate dragonforce.

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
chevelle is awesome, the red is still prolly my fav, but they've had so many good songs... every song on each CD is a real winner


New member
wut faverite band i have it depends on wut genre i have a fav fore every genre i like rap i would say eminem,metal disturbed,rock i would say all american rejects or greenday.well thats all fore today i will see u guys later =P