Headquarters and Domination
X xD4RKxCH40Sx New member Dec 11, 2014 #25 I play everything. But I do really S&R. And the odd games like gun game and such.
M Midwestprone New member Feb 24, 2015 #29 Free for all is by far my favorite im a big time quickscoper and love getting final killcams
A Akio Yu New member Apr 11, 2015 #35 Hardpoint is my all times favorite mode. If it's in the game its probably the only mode I will play.
T The_NdN_Chief New member May 27, 2015 #36 HC Domination if I have a good team if not HC Kill confirmed
M Mr UGC VI New member Jun 7, 2015 #37 Domination its great for spawntrapping and making everyone rage from the lobby XD
C CrazyCoitus8302 New member Jun 30, 2015 #39 Gotta be Domination. But second is a toss up between TDM and kill confirmed.